B. Peng, P. Fatourou, T. Palpanas, "Fast data series indexing for in-memory data", VLDB
Journal (VLDBJ), Article no. s00778-021-00677-2, 2021.
Y. Wei, N. Ben-David, G. E. Blelloch, P. Fatourou, E. Ruppert, Y. Sun, "Constant-time snapshots
with applications to concurrent data structures", In Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP '21), pp. 31-46, 2021.
P. Fatourou, N. D. Kallimanis, "The RedBlue family of universal constructions", Distrib.
Comput. 33, 485-513, 2020.
B. Peng, P. Fatourou, T. Palpanas, "MESSI: In-Memory Data Series Indexing", 2020 IEEE 36th
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp. 337-348, 2020.
Dziuma, D., Fatourou, P., and Kanellou, E. (2015). "Consistency for Transactional Memory
Computing". R. Guerraoui and P. Romano (Eds.): Transactional Memory - Foundations, Algorithms,
Tools, and Applications, LLNCS 8913, pp. 3-31.
Fatourou, P., Iaremko, M., Kanellou, E., Kosmas, E. (2015). "Algorithmic Techniques in STM
Design", R. Guerraoui and P. Romano (Eds.): Transactional Memory - Foundations, Algorithms,
Tools, and Applications, LNCS 8913, pp. 101-126.
Related papers by PERSIST team members in public repositories
P. Fatourou, N. D. Kallimanis, T. Ropars, "An Efficient Wait-free Resizable Hash Table",
abs/2204.09624 (2022).
C. Delporte-Gallet, P. Fatourou, H. Fauconnier, E. Ruppert, "When Is Recoverable Consensus
Harder Than Consensus?", CoRR
abs/2205.14213 (2022).
P. Fatourou, N. D. Kallimanis, E. Kosmas, "Persistent Software Combining", CoRR
abs/2107.03492 (2021).
B. Peng, P. Fatourou, T. Palpanas, "Fast Data Series Indexing for In-Memory Data", CoRR
abs/2110.07519 (2021).
N. Ben-David, G. E. Blelloch, P. Fatourou, E. Ruppert, Y. Sun, Y. Wei, "Space and Time Bounded
Multiversion Garbage Collection", CoRR
abs/2108.02775 (2021).
N. Ben-David, G. E. Blelloch, P. Fatourou, E. Ruppert, Y. Sun, Y. Wei, "Constant-Time Lazy
Snapshots Supporting General Queries on Concurrent Data Structures", CoRR
abs/2007.02372 (2020).
P. Fatourou, N. D. Kallimanis, E. Kanellou, "An Efficient Universal Construction for Large
Objects", CoRR abs/2001.03457 (2020).
B. Peng, P. Fatourou, T. Palpanas, "ParIS+: Data Series Indexing on Multi-Core
Architectures", CoRR abs/2009.00166 (2020).
B. Peng, P. Fatourou, T. Palpanas, "MESSI: In-Memory Data Series Indexing", CoRR
abs/2009.00786 (2020).